Emergency nursing comes with a unique set of rewards and responsibilities.
Being prepared to treat various patients of all ages and conditions at different levels of intensity makes this specialty both a fascinating and fulfilling experience for many nurses.
Want to know more about emergency nursing? Don’t miss our latest digital edition Trends every ER Nurse Should Know. Read information on important topics such as workflow interruption, certification and what traits make for a successful emergency department nurse.
“Emergency nurses have their own identities, which can’t be shared with any other nursing specialty,” writes Robert G. Hess Jr., PhD, RN, FAAN, OnCourse Learning’s executive vice president and chief clinical executive of healthcare. “They remain technically savvy in a chaotic practice, fueled by a steady drip of adrenalin with a periodic bolus of the unexpected. “
The edition also takes a critical look at the need for more SANE-certified nurses. Although statistics show out of every 6 American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime and about 3% of American men — or 1 in 33 — have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetimes, a nationwide nursing shortage has left some hospitals without adequate staffing in this certification. Writer Marcia Frellick explores the disparity.
“For too long healthcare has thought this has not been a healthcare issue, but a criminal justice issue,” Kim Day, RN, SANE-A, SANE-P, IAFN’s Forensic Nursing Director said in the article. “It’s been proven over and over again that it really isn’t.”
Nurses also have the opportunity to learn more about identifying drug abusers in the ED.
“Emergency room nurses are finding themselves on the frontlines of the opioid crisis, caring for patients who are experiencing pain from a trauma or medical condition, while also encountering patients with an opioid addiction who are drug seeking,” writes Carole Jakucs, BSN, RN, PHN. “It’s an ongoing dilemma in emergency rooms across the country.”
Treating a wide range of patients and conditions in the emergency department can be stressful even for the most committed and passionate nurse. Writer Karen Schmidt, RN, explores the issue of burnout and what ED nurses can do to avoid compassion fatigue.
Read about the power of professional organizations in Nursing associations strategize how to make a big impact by Eileen P. Williamson, MSN, RN. Williamson highlights the benefits of participating in nursing associations and the positive impacts of networking with other nurses in your specialty.
“These organizations teach us how we can grow as professionals in the company of our peers,” she writes.
“Some are called organizations or associations; others are known as forums, academies or councils. Some are formed at the local level, others at the state, national or international level. Whether their membership is based on specialty, ethnicity, role, gender or geography, each one brings nurses together.”
Find out what the future holds for emergency nursing in an exclusive interview with Jeff Solheim, MSN, RN, CEN, TCRN, CFRN, FAEN, FAAN, president of the Emergency Nurses Association. Solheim tells readers about the ENA’s legislative efforts in 2018 and how nurses can become advocates for transforming laws to improve the lives of both patients and providers.
“Emergency nurses need to become actively involved in public policy issues because these issues have an enormous impact on their professional lives,” he said. “Laws and regulations can influence emergency care and emergency nurses in a positive or negative way. If the voice of ENA is not heard at the federal and state levels, there could be negative consequences for the role of nurses in our healthcare system. Moreover, ENA needs to be a strong advocate on behalf of patients who need access to high-quality emergency care.”
The guide also features insight on informed consent for minors by nurse legal expert Nancy J. Brent, MS, JD, RN, a piece on medical technology in emergency medicine and a free CE on families in the ED.
Read Trends every ER Nurse Should Know today and become informed about this remarkable specialty.
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